Discover how we use donated clothing to fund our life-saving service
What we recycle
The money generated through clothing collections and the recycling of office supplies is reinvested back into the charity. This allows us to keep flying and to keep developing the service through the introduction of new equipment and life-saving techniques. Find out what we recycle here.
To help reduce plastic usage, we don’t post collection bags through doors anymore. All of our collections are done by appointment only. You can make an appointment through our website, Facebook message, or by giving us a call.
In addition to clothing, we also love to take coats, shoes (in pairs), belts, handbags, and mobile phones.
NOTE: Unfortunately, we don’t accept any type of bedding or household textiles such as curtains, books, or bric-a-brac. Accepting these items actually costs the charity money as we can’t sell them on.
No one else collects on our behalf. We own our own collection vans and employ all of our drivers so everything you donate goes directly to us to help our cause
CollectionsBecome a Clothing Champion
Become a Clothing Champion and act as a hub for your local community to donate their pre-loved clothing to the Great North Air Ambulance Service!
Sign up below and start your journey as a GNAAS Clothing Champion.
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