Celebrating June’s Fundraising Heroes

In June we finally enjoyed the warmth of the glorious sunshine, and so did our fundraising heroes who took part in several outdoor activities.

From a business hosting a sponsored walk in Keswick to a couple opening their beautiful garden to the public, we’ve seen a wide range of ways that our supporters have fundraised for us.

Here’s a closer look at what our fundraising heroes have been up to in June…

Fancy a cuppa?

Amidst all the busyness of the TT, our wonderful supporters at Ramsey Town Hall in the Isle of Man had a ‘Brew with the Crew’.

Carol, who was one of the organisers, said they had great weather for it and lots of good chats.

There was even the opportunity to enjoy a cuppa and a cake while watching thousands of bikes in the parade lap.

Age is just a number

A local independent living venue hosted a coffee morning where they raised £300 and sold over £90 merchandise. One of the visitors was celebrating her 83rd birthday (happy belated birthday!), so obviously there was cake, as you can’t have a birthday without cake.

There was also a whole host of fun and games including name the teddy bear, a ring toss, and a raffle.

It’s in the bag

We had the pleasure of talking to a group of Brownies from Guisborough who raised £238 from a clothing collection.

Their next fundraiser is a bag pack for their local Morrisons, who have also been fundraising for our charity.

A colleague from the supermarket required the help of our critical care team, and this led to several fundraising events, including bucket collections, a clothing collection, and a WI talk.

What a pawsome day for a walk

Colleagues from David Allen enjoyed the sunshine with their furry friends on a sponsored walk around Cumbria.

The sponsored dog walk raised a lot of smiles as well as raising £173 for GNAAS.

How generous

Brampton and Alston Masonic Lodges paid us a visit and generously gave us cheques totalling £2,700! We are incredibly appreciative of this donation which will help our team continue to help those in need across the region.

Music to our ears

Stuart Brakewell from Broughton-in-Furness regularly puts on events to raise funds for various charities. Despite being hard of hearing he still has a fondness for music and organised an Irish country music event which raised £350.

May the funds be with you

Business professionals swapped suits for fancy dress at Teesside Young Guns’ latest networking event at Warehouse Kitchen & Bar in Stockton.

Our specialist fundraiser Ben made sure to dress the part and wore his finest Star Wars costume to deliver a talk to the group before lunch and drinks were served. All of the money raised at the event will be donated to our charity.

Hole in one

We were honoured to be chosen as charity of year for Tyneside Golf Club by the club’s Captain Ian Stoddart.

Considering the amount of rain we’ve endured in June, thankfully the club’s recent Captain’s Day was dry and just a bit breezy.

The event was held in memory of Ian’s brother David, who was a long-standing member of the club, and all the funds raised will go to GNAAS.

Sing your heart out

We welcomed Carnegie Singers from Workington to our base, where they presented us with a cheque for £350 which raised from hosting concerts.

Doctor Dave’s dog Lassie couldn’t pass up a photo opportunity and sat front and centre for the cheque presentation.

Mileage for money

Last month we highlighted the amazing Northumberland Vintage Tractor Club who embarked on a Coast-to-Coast journey on their tractors.

They’ve since handed over the money they’ve raised which was a staggering £8,000!

A massive thank you to everyone who took part in the event and donated money.

Gunning for glory

An annual clay pigeon shoot took place on the top of Carlton Bank in the North York Moors, which was kindly sponsored by Pickerings Lifts.

Approximately 100 people attended the shoot, which was held in honour of Jim Harding, who required the help of our team back in 2014.

Barn party fun

A barn party with a singer and DJ was hosted on a farm in Kirkby Stephen to raise vital funds for our charity. The event was held in memory of Ryan Hindson, who sadly passed away in 2022.

Family and friends of Ryan presented our team with a cheque for £2,350, which is a phenomenal amount that we are extremely grateful for.

Dancing shoes at the ready

Who knew line dancers were so charitable? Askham-in-Furness Line Dancers has been running since the late 1990’s and they have raised thousands of pounds for several charities since being established, including ours.

After a recent charity night, they presented our volunteers Sue and Ron with a cheque for £1,000.

Blooming marvellous

When Sue and Michael Manners moved to Thornton Hall, near Darlington, there wasn’t one plant in sight.

Despite no previous gardening knowledge, Sue took it upon herself to transform the landscape of the garden and fill it with beautiful flowers and plants.

This led to the garden being open to the public for the very first time in 2005, and it is now open on select dates during the summer with a charge of £10 per person (children aged over eight are £2)

This year the money raised will be donated to a few charities including ours.

These boots are made for walking

21 colleagues from Castles & Coasts Housing Association donned their finest walking boots for a challenging 9.5 mile walk to Haystacks in the Lake District.

The walk raised £4,146 and the company are generously increasing this amount to £5,000.

Spill the tea

What do you do when it’s a nice sunny day and you’re stuck in office? Have a tea party in the car park of course.

The Association of International Accountants have chosen GNAAS as their charity of the year and to celebrate they took part in Brew with the Crew.

They raised just over £570 from selling cakes, cookies and refreshments, as well as having a raffle. Lots of local businesses got involved and even Miles made an appearance.

 Coffee and cake time

We love enjoying a natter over coffee and cake, and it seems so do East Durham College.

As part of our ‘Brew with the Crew’ campaign, the college provided some delicious homemade cakes for the East Durham Business Network event.

Our specialist fundraiser Vicky also attended the event to raise awareness of our charity.


It was lovely and sunny for the Lady Captain’s charity day at Hexham Golf Club. GNAAS is Lady Captain Gillian’s chosen charity, and they raised £349.30 on the day, which will be added to the annual total.

Green for GNAAS

Don’t All Saints Ladies Fellowship Group look fab in their green outfits? This was a lovely surprise for our community fundraiser when she went to get a photo of them with a big cheque.

However this was not the only surprise, as they presented her with another cheque, in addition to the money they had previously donated, making their total donation £2,750. Thank you so much ladies!fundrapick up their fundraising money.

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